Community Chamber Banquet

2024 Community Award Nominations

Save the date for our annual Community Chamber Banquet scheduled for Thursday, October 17th at Redux, 414 Broadway, Larned! 

We're excited to recognize the fine businesses, organizations, and individuals of our community. Below, you will find the list of awards that will be given out this year.

Please nominate an individual, business, and/or organization for each award and include your reasoning for their selection. These nominations will be compiled and then a ballot will be emailed to Larned Area Chamber Members to vote for one out of the top nominees. Nominated businesses, organizations and individuals cannot win more than once within 5 years.

Return your nominations by Wednesday, September 4th through email (, hand delivery (502 Broadway, Larned), fax (620-285-6917), or submit your nominations through this page.


Nomination Ballot


*Note: Chamber Members with multiple memberships have the ability to vote more than once. 

Please submit your nominations by Wednesday, September 4th!

Additional questions can be directed to the Larned Area Chamber of Commerce at or 620-285-6916.