PCEDC SPARK Grant Recipients


The Pawnee County Economic Development Commission awarded 44 grants to Pawnee County businesses and organizations from allocations made by Pawnee County SPARK funds through the CARES Act.

The applications were first reviewed by a Committee.  The final awards were approved by the Pawnee County Board of Commissioners on Friday September 4, 2020.  These funds are from the SPARKS funds received by Pawnee County under the CARES Act.

44 of the 45 applications received by Pawnee County Economic Development were awarded a monetary grant.  The sole application not receiving funding simply did not meet the COVID related requirement under the CARES act.

The review committee divided applications received by small businesses and self-employed individuals into two tiers.  The Tier 1 Business were those that were mandated to close and did not receive any other form of financial assistance during their closure.  All other business were then placed in Tier 2.  Tier 1 applications received a slightly higher reimbursement of their COVID related losses.

We are fortunate to represent a community that cares. The Pawnee County Economic Development Commission could not be more grateful to help our Pawnee County businesses and organizations financially during this challenging time.